
Thursday, October 20, 2016

Evaluation of Participation and Responsible Action in School and the Community.

In my Active citizenship coursework I leave al whiz be I leave alone be face at \nand evaluating the accountable action(s) I undertook in my school mean solar day, and \nI sign out be looking at what I prolong gained and learnt from these \nactivities. \n\nIn February 2005, a campaign began; this was called MakePovertyHistory \nor MPH. The aim of this campaign was to progress to rid of destitution from ugly \ncountries in Africa. During our citizenship lessons we all watched a \nshort word-painting which was authorize Send my friend to school .In this \nvideo, we were shown about the poverty problems in Africa currently \nand the problems children in Africa faced, for example, the occurrence the \n30,0000 are spate destruction needlessly every day and as well as the fact that \n more than than one one million million million people are animateness on less that $1 a day or the \nBritish equivalent of about £0.50, the video excessively told us that on that po int \nwere over 100 million children in Africa who were not competent to go to \nschool because of existing in this extreme shell of poverty, not organism \n commensurate to get a worthy education, which in turn meant that the children \ncouldnt earn a resonalble nutrition and therefore lived their lives in \npoverty and great difficulties. \n\nThe video also encouraged us to walk out part in a campaign, basically \nabout sponsoring a child in Africa. The mien we did this was by \nproducing a pal which repre directed one African child living in \npoverty. These Buddies were made using templates presumption our teacher. \nThis was done by historic period seven, eight, nine and ten. The Buddies \nconsisted of different designs which go forth be sent to Tony Blair and \nthe human leaders at the G8 bloom meeting which allow dramatise place in \nScotland in June 2005. The reason behind this is to inspire them the \npromises they made at Rio de Janeiro in Brazil. wiz of t hese promises \nwas that they would get rid of poverty by 2005 and this capacious task \ncould be achieved by each of the eight plentifulest countries, or the G8 \ndonating 0.7% of their gross national income to foreign aid \nwould assist greatly in this mission being accomplished. The hope was \nthat if enough children sent these Buddies in to Tony Blair, then \n peradventure this would use up a great impact on him donating more capital to \nhelp beat poverty. I also bought a MakePovertyHistory wristband \nwhich made me relish that I too was a part of this great and storied \ncampaign. \n\nThere are more lessons I learnt from this activity. Firstly, it made \nme suck in how lucky we are here, living in Britain, a rich and \nwealthy society. I also learnt to appreciate thing such as clean water system \nclothes etc, just formula everyday things that people take away for granted. \nAnother lesson I learnt was that if we are to get rid of poverty, this \nwill mean the G8 having to cooperate and unite, and everyone will have \nto be responsible and compulsionon their part in this vast task which we face. \nOne person wont be able to get rid of poverty, we will have to help, \neach and every one of us as a nation, and hope full(a)y by doing this we \nwill convince Tony Blair and make him pretend just how big this show up \nis. \n\nLooking back at my experience, I think that there were ways in which I \ncould have done more, for example, I could have raised money by doing \ncharity events and disperse the money I have raised to Africa to help the \npoor, precisely era was a huge problem, as there was merely about half a \nmonth until school ended. So hopefully, if I have time this year, I \nplan on raising money by doing charity events and hopefully play my \npart in fashioning child poverty history. \nIf you want to get a full essay, order it on our website:

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