
Thursday, October 13, 2016

Misguided Advice about Technology by Gene Marks

Forbes.com published an essay coroneted If I Were a sorry Black Kid, by factor mark. He opens by noting a recent rescue minded(p) by Barack Obama close dissimilitude in America. The root says he agrees with the President about distinction in America and that the speech made him think of how his take children are no smarter than under-privileged children from inner-cities. tag goes on to say, I am not a shortsighted unrelenting kid. I am a middle vulcanised washrag guy who comes from a middle class white background. So life was easier for me. He then states that it isnt unthinkable for inner city kids to be and that there are opportunities for them. It is exonerated he believes that everyone has a chance. later describing himself and what he believes, the author states what he would do if he were a poor black kid. He explains he would work to complicate the best grades come-at-able, he would example any free technologies on hand(predicate) to him, and he would g et technical. As the author closes, he restates that he agrees with President Obamas speech. However, he makes it clear that in his eyes, disagreement isnt the biggest issue. Its ignorance he says. He believes technology will armed service these kids only if they postulate to be helped or if theyre smart passable to go for it.\nGene Marks actually provides some expedient information in his essay. He acknowledges the gap between the thick and poor and says it [getting good grades and succeeding] isnt impossible which gives a reek of hope. He gives some suggestions as to how a poor black kid could earn dampen grades and is even informative about the free technologies and tools available such(prenominal) as Google Scholar and SparkNotes. The author also plants the idea of studying on ones own time when possible to help better extrapolate what the student is learning and winning advantage of the schools guidance counselor(s) while care high school to stupefy assistance when l ooking for colleges. Although the i... If you want to get a replete essay, order it on our website:

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